
Servus Credit Union does everything it can to protect your security. We have technology in place to protect your online interactions with us, as well as policies and guidelines to safeguard your security and privacy.

That's what we can do. A large part of your security is up to you. Only you can protect your passwords, access codes and personal identification numbers. You can also make yourself aware of the common ways thieves will try to steal your information. We'll alert you to fraud and scams as we learn about them.

Online banking

Learn how Servus provides a safe and secure online banking service, and what you can do to protect yourself.

Chip technology

Chip debit and credit cards make safe transactions even safer, while offering greater speed and convenience at point-of-sale terminals.

Protect yourself

We are committed to helping you protect yourself from fraud and identity theft. By learning about the exposure risks, you can change your habits to reduce the risks, and know what steps to take if you are a victim.