Estate planning

Create a legacy for the future

Your business is an asset that will be included as part of your estate. Plan your estate now to create the legacy you want to leave. Know that you’ve taken the necessary steps to safeguard your business.

Once you’ve developed a plan with one of our wealth advisors, it may be a good idea to evaluate your estate needs in relationship to your plan.

Servus Wealth Strategy’s estate planning services help you make informed decisions about the ownership and distribution of your assets during your lifetime and into the next generation. We can also direct you to a corporate executor if you need one.

Estate planning is a key step in the preparation of:

  • Your will, which is the legal document that details how your estate and possessions will be handled after your death.
  • A personal directive, which gives direction about your health and maintenance if you’re incapable of doing so.
  • An enduring power of attorney, which appoints someone you trust to look after your financial and legal matters if you’re unable to do so.

We’ll walk you through the planning process and help you identify key areas that should be covered in your legal documents. We’ll also provide referrals to lawyers, who specialize in trusts and estates, to complete the legal documentation.

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Servus Wealth Strategies Ltd. is a subsidiary of Servus Credit Union Ltd. offering financial planning, life insurance and investments.