Credit limit increase

The benefits of increasing your credit limit

Having access to more credit can not only increase your financial flexibility for larger purchases, travel and unexpected expenses, but did you know that when managed wisely it can also increase your credit score?

  • Credit limit increases can lower your credit utilization and can increase your credit score. The term "credit utilization" refers to how regularly you're using a large percentage of your available credit. For example, it's best to limit your credit utilization to 30% of your overall credit because some credit scoring models may penalize you for exceeding this percentage1.

  • Having more credit means more options, and peace of mind, in case of an emergency. If you have a credit limit that's higher than your usual spending amount you'll have the option to use your credit card in case of an emergency when you can't pay with cash. For example, if you are traveling abroad and need to pay for a plane ticket home, based on a change of plans, you can do so with your Servus Mastercard.

  • Earn more Circle RewardsTM. By increasing your credit limit, the Circle Rewards you earn on your purchases will add up faster. Redeem your points for cash-back, travel, Servus investments and more.

How do I request a credit limit increase on my Servus Mastercard®?

You can request a credit limit increase by visiting your local branch, or by calling 1.877.378.8728.

Please note that only the Primary Cardholder can make the request to increase the credit limit on a Servus Mastercard account.
