Circle Rewards® GIC

Turn your spending into savings

Whether you're saving for a short-term goal like building your emergency fund or a long-term one like retirement, you can reach it faster by redeeming your Circle Rewards towards a Circle Rewards GIC  a savings product exclusive to Servus Mastercard cardholders.

It’s time to put your points to work

Apply now

Length of term: 1 year
Current interest rate*: See rates
Minimum investment amount: $500 (minimum $50 from Circle Rewards points)
Redemption: At maturity
Eligible for Profit Share? Yes

And remember, your investment, including the interest earned, is covered by our 100% deposit guarantee.

*Rate is subject to change without notice. The investment minimum is $500.00. A minimum of 5,000 Circle Reward Points (a $50.00 value) is required to redeem and the difference can be topped up by the member to meet the investment criteria.